ornamental tree care

8 Tips for Healthy Trees and Shrubs this Spring

February 18, 2020
Winter is on its way out and spring is near. Don’t let the calendar fool you, Mother Nature calls the shots! As we begin our production season, we often field questions from customers and potential customers about prepping for the spring. Here are 8 tips we’ve put together for healthy trees and shrubs this spring:… View Article
hemlock tree

Common hemlock pests and problems

October 22, 2019
A common question we get in the fall regarding hemlock and other evergreen trees is, “Why are my trees turning yellow?” In many cases, it is more than likely natural needle loss. Evergreen trees will naturally lose their older interior needles each year the same way a maple tree changes color and drop its leaves…. View Article

Do my trees and shrubs need to be fertilized?

September 18, 2019
As we approach fall, you may be wondering, “what the next steps are for protecting the health of my plant material?” You may be asking, “do my trees and shrubs need to be fertilized?” All great thoughts to consider as you prepare your ornamentals this fall to withstand the harsh winter weather conditions ahead. The… View Article