Natural Tree and Lawn

How to Protect Plants Over the Winter

October 26, 2020
Have you ever noticed how rhododendron leaves curl themselves and droop in the winter? This is a natural phenomenon to reduce transpiration. Transpiration is a process by which plants naturally lose water through their leaves in order to draw more water up from the roots. Read on to learn more on how to protect plants… View Article
planting shrubs

Dos and Don’ts of Planting Trees and Shrubs

September 24, 2020
As we welcome fall, it is also the best time of year for homeowners’ to plan new trees and shrubs. We’ve put together a list of dos and don’ts for planting trees and shrubs to help as a guide for success: Plant Choice Do: The first thing to do when deciding to plant something is… View Article
dogwood tree

Watering Trees and Shrubs Efficiently

August 20, 2020
Watering trees and shrubs is very important particularly this time of year. As of August 13th, in Massachusetts 35% of the state is abnormally dry and 65% is in moderate drought, over 6” below normal rainfall. Drought does not only affect trees in the short term, but it can cause damage that may not be… View Article
mosquito swamp

Mosquito Borne Diseases

July 28, 2020
There are primarily 2 mosquito borne diseases in Massachusetts that have special concern. These 2 diseases are eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEE) and West Nile virus (WNV). These Arboviruses, viruses transmitted by insects, though rare, are capable of causing serious disease. These viruses are found in birds and are transmitted from bird biting mosquitos to… View Article

Broadleaf Weeds and How to Fight Back

July 15, 2020
Broadleaf weeds are one of the biggest issues that can be found in a home lawn. There are multiple practices that can be taken to control these weeds. To obtain the most effective control on broadleaf weeds it is important to understand the different life cycles. Listed below are the three types of life cycles… View Article
honey bees

The Benefits of Honey Bees

June 16, 2020
Insects are not typically on the top of most peoples lists of favorite animals because of the pest we deal with on a regular basis. This can make it easy to overlook all of the positive benefits insects can have. In actuality, only about 3% of insects are ever considered pest leaving the other 97%… View Article

Best Practices for Mosquito Control

May 29, 2020
Temperatures are rising and you are spending more time outdoors. You have also probably been swatting away mosquitos and other pesky bugs. Have you been thinking about mosquito control for your yard? Did you know there are 51 species of mosquitos that occur in Massachusetts? Most of these mosquito species only bite birds or other… View Article

7 Spring Tree Care Myths

May 26, 2020
In this day and age of internet and social media, there tends to be plenty of misinformation shared. This even holds true on subjects involving the green industry. Today we’re going to share and debunk 3 spring tree care myths you may have read about. Myth – Pruning in the spring will make trees “bleed”… View Article

Common Spring Lawn Diseases

May 13, 2020
Having a healthy, lush lawn is the dream of most homeowners. To get to that point, you may have some obstacles to hurdle. Lawn diseases, unfortunately, are one of those obstacles. In order for disease to occur there must be a host, a pathogen and the right type of environment. Here are some of the… View Article

Crabgrass Control: 3 Ways to Keep this Weed at Bay

April 22, 2020
Your lawn is looking beautiful and lush! Your grass is thriving in the cooler weather and you’re feeling proud. Summer arrives and you walk outside to see your lawn full of another type of grass. It has a lighter, green tint. Then it dawns on you, there’s crabgrass in your lawn. Crabgrass is a major… View Article