The Tips, Tricks, and Expertise for Better Outdoor Living Spaces

Preventing and Repairing Lawn Disease Damage

Disease spots are a common issue that can affect the health and appearance of your lawn. These spots are caused by various fungal diseases and can appear as discolored, brown or yellow patches on the grass. If left untreated, these spots can spread and cause severe damage to your lawn. In this blog, we’ll explore… View Article

What to do if I miss a week of mowing?

June 1, 2023
Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn requires regular maintenance, including mowing. However, life can get busy, and it’s easy to fall behind on lawn care tasks. If you’ve missed mowing your lawn for a week or two, don’t panic. In this blog, we’ll explore what you can do to get your lawn back on track…. View Article

Lawn Mowing Best Practices: Tips for a Healthy Lawn

May 17, 2023
A well-maintained lawn is an essential part of a beautiful landscape. One of the most critical aspects of turf care is proper lawn mowing techniques. While it may seem simple enough, there are several lawn mowing best practices that homeowners should keep in mind to ensure their lawn stays healthy and vibrant. In this blog,… View Article

Timing of Crabgrass Preemergent

May 9, 2023
With the weather starting to warm we are fielding several calls asking the common question, “When is the first round of fertilizer and crabgrass control going to be applied?” and, “Are we too late for it to be effective?” We watch this very closely and monitor many different factors to anticipate and predict proper timing…. View Article

The Benefits of a Healthy Lawn: More Than Just Curb Appeal

April 26, 2023
The Benefits of a Healthy Lawn: More Than Just Curb Appeal A healthy lawn not only enhances the curb appeal of your property but also provides several benefits that you may not be aware of. From improving air quality to reducing stress levels, a healthy lawn can have a significant impact on your overall well-being…. View Article
crab apple tree

Weather Related Tree and Shrub Diseases

April 18, 2023
Understanding how tree and shrub diseases occur will help you monitor your ornamental plants with a keen eye. Tree and shrub disease can be caused by either physical and environmental conditions (abiotic) or pathogens like fungi and bacteria (biotic). Trees and shrubs are not all affected by diseases in the same way and diseases can… View Article

Early Spring Lawn Care Tips

April 12, 2023
As spring continues to arrive throughout Massachusetts, it’s most definitely time to start thinking about spring clean-ups and lawn care. We’ve put together some helpful tips for taking care of your lawn in the early spring: Clear Debris Start by raking up any leaves or debris left over from the winter. This allows sunlight and… View Article

More Posts & Updates

Understanding Potassium – The Science of Lawn Health Part 3

In this four-part series, we focus on the practical elements of maintaining a robust lawn. For part 3 of our series, let's delve into the significance of potassium, a vital ...
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Understanding Phosphorus in Lawns – The Science of Lawn Health Part 2

In this four-part series, we dive into the pragmatic aspects of maintaining a healthy lawn. For this second part of the series, let's explore the importance and role of phosphorus ...
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Understanding Nitrogen – The Science of Lawn Health Part 1

At Natural Tree and Lawn Care, we navigate the science behind a flourishing lawn. In this four-part series, we will dissect the significance of nitrogen in lawns, a foundational element ...
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Mastering the Winter Chill: Selecting Ice Melt for Lawn Safety with Natural Tree and Lawn Care

The Significance of Safe Ice Melt Before we delve into the details, it's crucial to highlight the importance of choosing the right ice melt. While prioritizing your safety and preventing ...
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2023 Year in Review

Every year brings new challenges - personally and professionally - and it's no different for our lawns and landscapes. This blog takes a look back at 2023 and discusses the ...
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Outsmarting Overwintering Pests: Unveiling Their Winter Hideouts with Natural Tree and Lawn Care

As winter descends upon us, a silent invasion is underway in lawns across the region. Overwintering pests are seeking refuge, biding their time until the warmth of spring awakens them. ...
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