Lawn Care

lawn disease

Preventing and Repairing Lawn Disease Damage

July 9, 2024
Disease spots are a common issue that can affect the health and appearance of your lawn. These spots are caused by various fungal diseases and can appear as discolored, brown or yellow patches on the grass. If left untreated, these spots can spread and cause severe damage to your lawn. In this blog, we’ll explore… View Article

Understanding Sulfur – The Science of Lawn Health Part 4

April 3, 2024
In this four-part series, we are examining the essential components that contribute to a healthy lawn. In this final segment, let’s delve into the significance of sulfur, a crucial element that profoundly influences and improves the overall well-being of your grass. The Element Sulfur, symbolized by the chemical symbol S, is a vital nutrient with… View Article

Understanding Potassium – The Science of Lawn Health Part 3

March 21, 2024
In this four-part series, we focus on the practical elements of maintaining a robust lawn. For part 3 of our series, let’s delve into the significance of potassium, a vital nutrient that plays a crucial role in fortifying and enhancing the overall well-being of your grass. The Element Potassium, represented by the letter K, is… View Article

Understanding Phosphorus in Lawns – The Science of Lawn Health Part 2

February 29, 2024
In this four-part series, we dive into the pragmatic aspects of maintaining a healthy lawn. For this second part of the series, let’s explore the importance and role of phosphorus in lawns, a vital nutrient that contributes to the strength and vitality of your grass. The Element Phosphorus, symbolized by the letter P, is a… View Article

Understanding Nitrogen – The Science of Lawn Health Part 1

February 15, 2024
At Natural Tree and Lawn Care, we navigate the science behind a flourishing lawn. In this four-part series, we will dissect the significance of nitrogen in lawns, a foundational element influencing the growth and vitality of your grass. The Element Nitrogen, denoted by the chemical symbol N, stands as a pivotal component in the landscape… View Article

Mastering the Winter Chill: Selecting Ice Melt for Lawn Safety with Natural Tree and Lawn Care

January 2, 2024
The Significance of Safe Ice Melt Before we delve into the details, it’s crucial to highlight the importance of choosing the right ice melt. While prioritizing your safety and preventing slips is paramount, it’s equally vital to consider the potential repercussions on your lawn and landscape. Opting for the wrong ice melt could introduce harmful… View Article

2023 Year in Review

December 13, 2023
Every year brings new challenges – personally and professionally – and it’s no different for our lawns and landscapes. This blog takes a look back at 2023 and discusses the biggest obstacles we dealt with here in Massachusetts. Weather Compared to the very dry weather we saw last year this year was quite the opposite…. View Article

Outsmarting Overwintering Pests: Unveiling Their Winter Hideouts with Natural Tree and Lawn Care

November 30, 2023
As winter descends upon us, a silent invasion is underway in lawns across the region. Overwintering pests are seeking refuge, biding their time until the warmth of spring awakens them. At Natural Tree and Lawn Care, we’re here to shine a light on the secret hideouts of these intruders and empower you to defend your… View Article

Fall lawn care best practices

October 17, 2023
Fall is the best growing time of the year for cool-season grass types like those found here in Massachusetts. Below, we’ve put together a list of fall lawn care best practices to help your lawn thrive before winter: Continue best watering practices We encourage you to continue following our recommended watering practices. Water your lawn… View Article

Guide for a Newly Seeded Lawn

August 30, 2023
At Natural Tree and Lawn Care, we understand that a healthy lawn is essential for the beauty and value of your property. Whether you’re starting a new lawn from seed or overseeding an existing lawn, proper care is essential to ensure the best results. In this blog, we will share some tips for maintaining a… View Article